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Connally Consulting, LLC

Connally Consulting, LLC


PR & Business Development

About Us

Our mission at Connally Consulting is to help leaders and organizations improve their performance and success – professionally, personally, spiritually, and physically through leadership coaching. We believe long-term success And fulfillment result from the alignment of values, goals, And production of leaders, individuals, and organizations. Utilizing our experience in leadership, strategy, and organizational dynamics, we will help our clients build a culture of performance surpassing their expectations and those of their competitors. Whether you are starting, expanding, reorganizing, or just seeking to improve your performance, Connally will help you to develop the path of success.
Managers organize and track resources and processes, but leaders inspire people to excel. When managers understand their values, they set goals and motivate employees to do the same. Aligning those goals and values with the organization’s, minimizes supervision and focuses action on desired outcomes. Helping managers become leaders improves production, fosters innovation, and improves retention. Since leadership is an apprenticed vocation, the company grows its future leaders and builds sustained excellence.


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Tom Connally